Celebrate women, lady friendships,
and female-owned businesses this Galentine’s Day!

We’re hopped up on girl power and celebrating by giving away 3 Caboodles packed with goodies from female-owned businesses.


Winners announced in...












Winners will be announced on the evening of Tuesday, February 13, 2018 from Favors & Stuff’s annual Galentine’s Day Party!

Keep your eyes peeled on Favors & Stuff’s Facebook page for the details. ?

Thanks to our fabulous sponsors for making this girl power celebration possible!

Scroll down to get to know the women behind each one of these amazing businesses. 

Everything you need for the perfect Galentines Day

Printable Galentines games & activities
Gift ideas for ALL your favorite ladies
Creative ways to celebrate your adult lady friendships

Show me the goods

Each Caboodle is filled with a random assortment of goodies from female small business owners.

Find out what’s inside and get to know the women behind the products, below!

Printable party games by Caitlin Miller @ Favors & Stuff
A female you’re inspired by, and why?
My family is FULL of strong, independent, badass ladies, and I am constantly inspired by all of them — the ones who are still with us, the ones that came before, and the ones we’ve lost along the way. 
Neon friendship bracelets by Corniche Jones @ Claudius 
Girls’ night IN or girls’ night OUT?
Girls’ night in! Movies, snacks & pajamas!
Mini bath bombs by Alexis Clare @ Whipped Up Wonderful
What’s your favorite way to encourage and support the women in your life?
Just letting them know I’m here to listen, and I’ll bring the snacks to eat our feelings.
What’s your business and how did you get started?
I created the quarterly publication, Holl & Lane Magazine, out of the desire to see real stories from real women in the media. I wanted a place where women could identify with one another and their journey and feel less alone in life. I wanted to create a magazine that felt both inspiring and also humbling. And I wanted it to be beautiful and something women could pick up down the road when their lives have changed but still be able to find common ground.
*exclusive to special Dallas Caboodle*
3 whole body cyrotherapy sessions from Kelly @ Cryo1One
Charming floral stationery set by Amber Lovell @ Selador Design
A female you’re inspired by, and why?
I am most inspired by my sister. She is two years older than I am and her life looks very different from mine. She got married and had children very young. She has always been a picture of wisdom and strength to me. She is beautiful and smart and immensely talented – and the way those qualities have manifested themselves in her unique circumstances have always inspired me and made me want to be more like her.
Hilarious cards & patches with a pop culture humor flair by Christina Haberkern @ Hello Harlot
What’s your favorite way to encourage and support the women in your life?
It’s my mission to encourage women to chase their wildest dreams. There are so many fears and hesitations to build our dream lives and careers, but we are so much bigger than the things holding us back. In incorporating dialogue about entrepreneurship on TNTP’s blog and social channels, I hope to inspire other women to take a leap of faith and go after those things they want most for themselves.
Mexican yarn tassel earrings by Marisa Morrison @ The Neon Tea Party
What’s your favorite way to encourage and support the women in your life?
I am a huge small business cheerleader. I love supporting other women owened, handmade businesses and introducing my friends to these businesses when I feel their products & general vibe can offer encouragment.
Fun & lightweight handmade faux leather earrings by Nicke Minder @ avenue261
Lip gloss from Laurel’s Lip & Makeup Bar
Beautycounter gift certificate from Laura Lushington @ Beautycounter and A Lush Life
What’s your business and how did you get started?
I’m a chronic illness warrior and Beautycounter consultant. I got started because I love skin care and beauty but was sick and tired of putting chemicals on my body. With Beautycounter, I know the products are safe AND effective. It was time to focus on both what I was putting in my body and on my body!
Handmade candles from Desiree Horton @ Co-Op of Creation
What’s your business and how did you get started?
I make candles and tools/items for ritual use. It started as a lifelong obsession with candles and scents, and slowly became a hobby and then began to take off into something bigger. I adore candles, and I love the way smells can conjure up all sorts of feelings; how they can take you to a certain moment in time and can help put you in the moment.
What is one of your BIGGEST, CRAZIEST dreams?
I have a few, but would love to be able to retire at 50 (or earlier!) and enjoy life. To travel, volunteer, and have unlimited time to craft!
Skull and floral wrap scarf by Janelle Beal @ It’s Sew Adorkable
Hand-painted Galentine wooden peg doll by Kimmy @ Scrambled Pegs
A female you’re inspired by, and why?
Karen Kilgariff and Georgia Hardstark are two amazing and strong women who inspire me. They are so unapologetically themselves and are great feminist role models. Also, Leslie Knope!

Pussy Power stickers by Meagan JohnsonLil’ d Dog Works

What’s your business and how did you get started?
Lil‘ d Dog Works began after a few dog people friends of mine asked if I could paint their pets for them. They loved it, I loved doing it, so boom!

Thank you SO much to our sponsors for contributing to this giveaway!

Want to include your awesome product?

YESSS! Get in on this GIRL POWER party!

I want to fill these Caboodles with the best of the best and highlight badass female creatives in the process. When this giveaway launches, my goal is to attract authentic followers that turn into loyal customers. There is SO MUCH female badassery between us, I know we can put together something truly exciting!



If you’re interested in donating a relevant product (or service if you’re local to the DFW area), please fill out this Q&A form to submit your info for consideration!

Physical items are needed in-hand by Friday, February 9. We’re going to take photos of everything together and make some really awesome content out of all of this goodness!

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